Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Curious Case of Charlottesville and the White Supremacist Super Girl.

I've been composing and re-composing this is my head for a while. Long enough, in fact, that it may actually be too late to do any good. The news cycle has moved on and everyone is now talking about Harvey and Houston, and all related things. But this remains important. So... Sorry for not posting this earlier I guess. I have excuses. They are all lame.

So Charlottesville happened. There are a few conflicting about what exactly happened, who did what, etc. The only details that matter to me personally is that a group of people marched on a church yelling and chanting "Jews will not replace us." A woman lost her life. If they aren't actually racist or white supremacist, they've chosen to counted among those that openly are. The fact that I have to point out how is bad, troubles me.

Shortly after, my Facebook feed was flooded with "Oh God. I knew one of them." I won't lie. I wasn't really surprised. My mind went through a list of people. Most of them were the "Heritage not Hate" crowd- which I sort of respect in a kind of misguided way, and then there were the Fox News watchers who thought BLM was a terrorist organization or whatever.

But no...

It was that woman I kind of sort of knew from the Dragon Con scene that hung out with the photographer dude and cosplayed Super Girl. A long series of "seriously?" and "The fuck?" came out of mouth and  I was overcome by a profound sadness.  

Evil doesn't always look like evil. Maybe I don't have anything to say about it.

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